UPDATE: I'm Still Here!
I just wanted to let y'all know that I'm still making music by myself once in a while! I've released a couple tunes at my YouTube channel- take a look. However, the majority of my focus is with Nonpronto, so follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and sign up for our mailing list. Thanks as always!
Mailing List - Join Now!
There is now an option to submit your email address on the right hand side of the site. Do this if you would like to be the first to know about performances, releases, and other cool stuff! Fill out the detailed mailing list sign up form here and join the list!
Recording with Nonpronto
finished their first day in the studio. I urge you to stay in touch with my new project at www.nonpronto.com. Also, do us a big favor and "like" our FB page. We think you'll seriously like the new tunes that will be released in the near(ish) future... you won't want to miss being a part of this.
The new band and its details have been announced, and we're off the ground running! Nonpronto is the name: Josh Murtha on bass, Luke Angle on drums, and yours truly on keys/vocals. We had our first show at Tonic Room in Lincoln Park, Chicago and we've got a couple upcoming shows that you can learn about at our website, www.nonpronto.com. "Like" us on Facebook, and check out our recent video releases on YouTube. This project is going to be the first personal "professional" music endeavor that I've ever undertaken really, so please show some support!
I'm busy as ever in the Big Windy! I'm currently contracted by a music marketing agency called Price Rubin & Partners. I work from home as a representative for several world class musicians making calls and sending emails to place them with worldwide presenters like universities, festivals, symphonies, etc. It's been great- an awesome day job. And my studio of piano students is up to six which is wonderful. On Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings I'm committed with the Church of the Incarnation in Arlington Heights. I'm their regular pianist and they've been too good to me- such a positive community to work around.
My biggest and most exciting news isn't quite as detailed as you'll probably like, but it involves a new group! I'm nearly certain I found the right bassist and drummer for the trio that I'm hoping to play out and around. Our tunes are really shaping up... stoked to share them with y'all! All I can tell you is that this project will be done under a collective name; no "Dan Collins" attached in the branding, because this one's something bigger and better than one person and I want that to be recognized. Hopefully the description hypes you up- stay tuned within the coming weeks for updates, possible rough releases, personnel announcements, etc!
I'm currently playing with three groups with some consistency, see next paragraph for details. Aside from these groups, I've been working with my own trio in preparation for Waunafest and introducing original tunes for the album I'll be producing in the foreseeable future (currently with Benn Purcell (bass), and Phillip Potter (drums). I've been attending a regular jazz jam at Serbian Village and have plans to make it to Andy's Jazz Club and The Green Mill for their top notch late jams. I've been here for nearly a month, and things are happening quickly! I'm hoping to have my trio off the ground and playing 3-4 nights weekly within the next six months- something I feel is certainly reasonable to expect.
The Winchester Sound is a three piece jazz-influenced pop group with Sean Hill on saxophone, and Melanie Peltier on vocals. They're both educated musicians; Sean has his BA in jazz/saxophone studies from Western Michigan, and Mel completed two years of vocal studies there as well. Here's a video of us playing at Goose Island in Wrigleyville recently. I've already played the Elbo Room, Goose Island, and a private 60's party with 'em.
Lil' Ricki & The Licorice Sticks is a 15 (or so) piece jazz big band. I've played two outdoor city-sponsored shows with them on piano in Schaumburg and Evanston so far.
Jarvis Raymond Trio is a guitar/keyboard/drum trio. I'm playing weekly with them at Nothin' Less Cafe on Milwaukee Street in my neighborhood and will be joining them at Underground Wonder Bar in mid-August playing original music.
After graduating from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse with my jazz performance degree, I'm off to a bigger city with bigger opportunities and hopefully bigger outcomes. I'd like to thank everybody who has gotten me this far- this is surely still the beginning! This song is for y'all (click).
You can help me out by staying in touch, purchasing my music as I continue to independently produce it (from BigCartel, iTunes, Bandcamp, or in person), and letting me know if you have contacts I should know! I'm going to do my best to make music my sole form of income, but I'll continually need your help. If there's anything you think I should do or would like to see or hear, personally e-mail me by clicking here. Thanks again, everybody! Wish me luck!
New album "All in Front of My Eyes" released! Purchase a hard copy, click here.
Check out the music video from track one, "W-H-Y", click here.
The CD Release show is happening Wednesday, May 9th at 8pm at the Root Note in La Crosse, WI. Click here for more details.
If you haven't checked in with me for a while, here's what I'm up to
-Working on a solo album to be released this spring (stay tuned for updates on Facebook)
-Playing in a jazz trio at UWL that is headed to Utah to present their research on the Bill Evans Trio after receiving a creative grant
-Playing 2-3 nights/week at various venues around the La Crosse-area
-Playing my senior recital at UW-La Crosse on April 21st at 2pm, mark your calendars!
Welcome to the new website!
This is awesome! Pat Longmire (patricklongmire.com) did a bang-up job with getting my website up and running. This will be the official headquarters for all things music-related in my life, so let me know if there's anything that's missing!